IoT-based Sound Pollution Monitoring System


The IoT-based sound pollution monitoring system is designed to measure and monitor environmental noise levels using a NodeMCU microcontroller. A microphone sensor captures sound from the surroundings and converts it into electrical signals, which are processed by the NodeMCU to determine the sound level in decibels (dB).


Utilizing its built-in Wi-Fi, the NodeMCU sends this data to an online server or cloud platform, where it can be logged and monitored in real-time via a web interface or mobile app. The system can also trigger alerts if noise levels exceed predefined thresholds, enabling timely interventions.


This technology facilitates continuous and efficient monitoring of sound pollution, aiding efforts to create quieter and healthier environments in various settings such as:



The system components typically include:

This setup allows for scalable deployment across different locations, providing comprehensive coverage for sound pollution monitoring.

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